There are many and varied recipes online for making your own laundry soap. Some are for dry powder type, some for liquid. I prefer the dry powder, so that is what I made.
Supposedly, about any bar soap will work. I bought 2 bars of ZOTE, but I think next time I will use Ivory, simply because its carried at the store I regularly shop at, and ZOTE is not. Most people recommended zote, fels-naptha, Kirks Castile, or Ivory, but several people said they save up their left-over soap bits and use them, using whatever type soap they had on hand.
I used a food processor to quickly grate a bar of ZOTE, then used the knife blade to further pulverize the soap. The whole process too under 5 minutes.
So here's thye recipe!
to 1 cup of the pulverized soap, add:
1/2 cup washing soda {note, all the recipes called for washing soda, however washing soda was not to be found in my town, so I bought a big box of baking soda instead}
1/2 cup borax {I bought 20 mules team borax, it is in the laundry aisle.}
Use about 2 tablespoons per regular wash load.
All together these 3 ingredients cost maybe $5.00, and there is enough soda and borax left over to make many, many more batches of soap.
This is incredibly less expensive that the Tide I have been using, and so far I am very happy with the results.
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